NFTs For Beginners in 45 minutes

This an interview that I did on NFP, the” Non-Fungible Podcast” hosted by DKleine to talk all things NFT. This is a fantastic interview for anyone who is just getting started learning about NFT’s. We discuss the culmination of life events and interests that drew me to NFTs and CryptoArt in particular and I provide the broader implications of non-fungible tokens and blockchain technology.

Ultimate Cryptocurrency Trading Course for Beginners

Ultimate cryptocurrency trading course tutorial for beginners. Go from beginner to confident crypto trader. How to trade cryptocurrency for beginners, how to buy crypto, invest in crypto, learn crypto technical analysis and more.

Winners Need Discipline Not Motivation

This Inspiration speech will answer a common question, which is more important Discipline or Motivation. How are the high achievers able to accomplish so much? Are they disciplines or are they motivated to get there?

Unleash Your Super Brain To Learn Faster

If you’re looking for tips on how to learn faster and boost productivity, you’ve come to the right place. Jim Kwik is one of the world’s most famous brain training coach who shows you how to tap into your very own mind power.

In this powerful presentation, Jim Kwik, talks about unlocking your Super Brain by incorporating effective productivity tips that will help you learn faster.

In this video, Jim Kwik explains six tips on how to learn faster and how to use the “FAST” technique as part of your daily brain training regimen.

Why you’re always tired

Just a video about why you’re always tired, why you’re so tired all the time, and how to have more energy. How to stop being tired, and that kind of thing. This is Better Ideas, and me pandering to the algorithm once again.

The Ultimate Minimalist Meal Prep

Go to for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this video.

Go follow Kevin for great recipes:
Also if you know what’s good:

Here are the goods I mention in this video:
(Some are affiliate links. All are my genuine recommendations)
Recipe from this video:…
Meal Prep Containers:

How to Start Reading if you Hate Reading

  1. Readers or Listener
  • It’s very easy to figure this out
  • If when you listen to an audiobook you can remember and understand things better then you are a listener
  • If when you read a book you can understand everything then you are a reader

But this also Not that important sometimes:

  • Whether you’re are reading or listing, at some point you will lose focus, you will not walk away always capturing everything
  • And if you’re are not good at reading, if you keep reading and you’re are a-listers eventually you will get better at reading, just like I did
  • But I always recommend you start with what comes easier to you, to then work on the hard things.

An ideal day for me is 1 hour of the audiobook at the gym and 2-4 hours of reading at home. ( audiobooks are hard to read when you doing nothing because it’s so easy to get distracted )

Tip: don’t overthink it, and try both.

  1. what books to read ( what you like and what benefits you ) – not everything that’s good for you will like though
  • so I would do a mix ratio of 50-50 when first starting because eventually, you will start to like what benefits you more
  • it’s like when you start eating good, and then you feel great and you try some McDonalds and your body has a meltdown.
  • So when I first started I would try to read books I liked but always read a book that benefited me

Step by Step:

  • Figure out what you like and interested in learning about
  • My first books self-help books to change the way the way I think and my reactions to situations
  • Then I focused on action books, that provide knowledge that you can go and easily apply it.

Tip: it’s okay to read drama, science fiction and so, but that’s the equivalent of watching a movie. So consider it entertainment.

  1. how many hours ( creating a schedule )
  • this depends on the type of person you are and what you do with your day

Absolute beginners:

  • you’ll need to set three things up: where you will read, what time you will read and what date you will read
  • so if I say I’m going to read 10 pages in the morning at around 7am, at my house before I go to work, you will eventually build that habit
  • and eventually, you will want to read more than 10 pages

Extreme like I was:

  • get audiobooks and normal books, and spend transportation time reading them, working time hearing them, and every block that you would usually waste on those books
  • and not every book is equal but you have to be willing to read the books you disagree with, to get a full understand of the problems
  • but some books are trash, and you instantly know, this is not something I want to read.
  1. how much to spend ( money wise )
  • you can actually overspend on books for sure
  • if you’ve read 10 books, but haven’t tried anything or applied anything and just doing research and research
  • you need to stop and start applying

For example:

  • a lot of people read about stocks, but never even start investing
  • when I started learning about stocks and grab some cash and tried out what I learned
  • now obviously I didn’t take all the money I had, I tried it out with a small amount that I could afford to lose
  • and today with 100 you can literally by fractional shares of any company.
  1. funny stories
  • the way I see books, is like having the ability to live someone entire life, without having to do all the mistakes
  • I’ve read so many books, that I have the knowledge of men and women that centuries older than me, because some of them do obviously not hear any more
  • And it’s also like adding files to your brain, so when a situation happens, you know what to do.

9 Passive Income Ideas

The first 1000 people to use this link will get 30% off an annual Skillshare Premium Membership: – and you can check out my brand new Productivity for Creators class too!

In this video I’ll be going over 9 passive income ideas with real world examples, some of which have enabled me to earn around $27,000 a week.