So, Is Hand Sanitizer Better Than Soap & Water?

Hand sanitizer was invented to clean industrial-grade grime from the hands of mechanics, which makes it a great germ killer — what about soap and water?

One of life’s cruel ironies is that the occasions when we most desperately want to wash our hands—e.g., after shaking hands with a runny-nosed colleague after a meeting—water and soap are nowhere to be found. Hand-sanitizing gel is sometimes offered as a substitute, but can you really trust a cold lump of goo to prevent nasty germs from passing along infectious particles?

The experts say yes. “Hand-sanitizing gels that contain at least 60-percent alcohol or other proven antiseptic agents are very effective against most bacteria and many types of viruses,” says Christine Pearson of the CDC. While washing your hands with soap and water is more effective in some instances, when applied correctly—don’t use too little or wash it off too quickly—hand-sanitizing gel eliminates most of the germs that will make you sick.

And if a little squirt of gel still seems suspiciously weak to you, remember that one of the most popular brands of hand sanitizer was invented to clean industrial-grade grime from the hands of mechanics, which makes your angst about grazing the door handle of the men’s room look pretty weak by comparison.

You can check out this original article written by here.

Organize, Assign, Clean… Cleaning Chart Magic!

Sometimes your idea of “clean” isn’t the same as others you are living with. Watch this quick tip to keep you and your roommates organized and on task when it comes to cleaning. Jessica shows you how to create a cleaning chart to keep you organized and your apartment clean.

COVID-19 Screening Tool

Apple and CDC, together with the White House and FEMA, launched a new website and app with a COVID-19 screening tool and resources to help people protect their health. Learn more

CHS Student Housing & COVID-19

We’ve posted an info update page here. Check back regularly for updates. If you need to contact your local CHS Housing Director, click here for a directory.

We are here for you if you have any questions.
Please keep in mind that due to changing circumstances and some call volume, we may not get to your call immediately. Be sure to leave us a voicemail with your information so we can get back to you as soon as possible.

Stay safe.

Managing Waste Saving Money

Check out this video on how to save money by managing your waste! This simple tip will keep you from having to buy more trash bags every time you go to the store.

3 Steps to a Cleaner Bathroom

CHS Student Residents, Welcome to our Vlog! Today, I wanted to share with you 3 simple steps that I take to clean my bathroom. It goes without saying how important it is to take care of the space we are living in—not only for ourselves but for those who live with us. You’ll feel better about taking care of your bathroom and you’ll more than likely have a happier roommate.

So, the first thing I do is collect all of the dirty items in my bathroom and throw them into a pile outside of the door for washing. Then I take a basic cleaner and simple rag that can easily be found at the dollar store and start with the least dirty thing, for example: the mirror, then work my way to the sink, shower, and lastly, the toilet. This will not only save you time but will save you towels as you will only need one cleaning towel if you work in this way to clean everything.

After all is finished, I then take the cleaning towel, toss it in the pile of dirty bathroom rugs and hand towels and then toss it all in the wash. It’s easy as one, two, three. And you will definitely thank yourself later. If you do this once a week, it will be an easy ten minutes of your time and a lot less stressful for everyone involved. Let us know how this works for you and if you have any questions or suggestions for videos.

What Happens If There Is a Vacancy in My Apartment?

Please keep these tips in mind if you have roommates moving out of your apartment.

Keep your apartment clean and follow the community and CHS rules. This will reduce your chances of being chosen for an involuntary transfer.

Be on the lookout for a new roommate notice. This is typically provided approximately 2 weeks in advance of a new person moving into your apartment.

CHS will conduct an inspection the day before a new roommate is scheduled to move in. If your apartment is not ready for a new roommate, professional cleaners may be sent in and current residents may be charged accordingly.

Remember, cooperation in making your apartment ready and inviting for your new roommate will avoid potential cleaning charges and welcome your new roommate appropriately!

Please see your DOH for more details.